Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Scarlett, can it be possible that..."

SCARLETT: Can what be possible, Rhett?

RHETT: That you've grown a woman's heart? A real woman's heart.

Mommydom has completely changed my heart. It's almost scary the things my heart beats faster for because it didn't beat for much before this whole baby thing. Can I still blame hormones or is this an actual transformation? This seems like a good change so I'll go with transformation.

We were watching a documentary last night and it was about happiness. The first episode took us through relationships - parents, babies, friends, and lovers. It said that babies build their relationships through attachment. In most cases (I hope!) that attachment is provided and built upon by the parents and is such a crucial phase. It's a necessity. They studied kids in orphanages and the longer they stayed there, this phase basically didn't exist. Sure, their basic needs were met - food, diapers, shelter - but there was no love. Tears set in and I told my husband that I was game for adopting babies from any Eastern European orphanage! We have already agreed to adopt, but I wasn't for the baby-age. Now, I want to save them all.

Also, last night, I think Baby Girl is teething and it is breaking my heart. She just cried off and on for the night. No screaming, just a miserable cry. We held her, rocked her, fed her and she drifted off here and there. We, of course, did not sleep at all. She was just not happy at all. She's fairly miserable this morning and has her 6-month doctor's appointment - more shots! - poor thing. 

Being a baby is tough.

My Favorite Movie!

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