Friday, March 8, 2013

The Pacifier Saga, Day 5

So far, the days have been going well...unless, the tantrum monster gets a hold of Baby Girl and then all is lost. Yesterday, was a good day minus the nap. It took her about 40-minutes to fall asleep. I'm not sure what she was doing in there, but it sounded like she was standing and then throwing herself down - she likes to do that - and then laughing, laughing, laughing. She fell asleep and then woke up a half hour later, crying. I think she slept about another hour before waking up crying again. Usually she wakes up talking to herself.

Baby Girl was good for the last half of the day, but I could tell she was tired after a restless nap. Right now, I put her down for a nap about 15-minutes ago and there has been some talking and some complaining. It's all quiet at the moment so hopefully this means sleep! Good, quiet, restful sleep!

Tonight = bedtime sans pacifier...

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