Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wordy Wednesday: The Pacifier Saga, Day 3

Today is the third day going without a pacifier. We started on Monday when we only used it at naptime and bedtime. It was a good day. Baby Girl was in a really fun and playful mood. Tuesday, Pastor Husband and I caved. We gave in about a half hour before lunch. She was fine after that and, again, only used it to sleep. Today we entered into day three...

Today was a success! Minus the complete meltdown this morning. Baby Girl actually did the same thing yesterday morning and Pastor Husband and I are completely baffled as to why this is happening. She's not crying for the pacifier, she's just crying. It's not teething and she isn't sick. The second her favorite cartoon came on she was fine and just sat with me. The poor thing didn't even make it through breakfast this morning.

However, today I will count as a success because we went the whole day without me giving in and plugging her up with a pacifier. Baby Girl even went through her entire afternoon nap without one! Tomorrow will be the same routine and then Friday - the big night! - we'll try to do bedtime pacifier free.

I'm not sure why I picked this week to start this, but I did and now I have to stay dedicated. I realized that the pacifier is really my bad habit, not Baby Girl's habit. She doesn't look for it, ask for it, and will only take it if she happens to see it. It's more our crutch than any thing else. It takes such discipline from yourself to raise a child! I knew this, but I'm really beginning to realize it as she gets older and learns new "tricks"!

Monday, Day 1 - Diaper Head

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