Sunday, July 27, 2014

Happy, Happy Birthday Baby Dos!

Baby Dos, happy birthday!

You are my baby boy and I love, love, love you so very much! You're the most ticklish baby I've ever met and waking you up from a nap doesn't result in a nightmare. Thank you for that. You don't do things gradually. It's just all of a sudden you're able to walk around the house by pushing your high chair around or using one of your new walking toys. You have two bottom teeth. I'm not sure where the rest are, but I'm sure they are in there somewhere. It doesn't stop you from eating just about everything. I hardly have to worry about you choking because you chomp like a man. Baby Girl has deemed raspberries (or Tobies as she likes to call them) as your favorite food. You mastered the art of straw-drinking a few days ago. We were all very excited.

Opening presents was so much fun because you were excited with each one. Every new toy became a new world for you to explore. When you woke up this morning it was like Christmas with all the new stuff to play with.

It's been a fun year, Baby Dos. Keep cuddling with me, keep smiling and giggling. You are such a joy.

The best cakes in the world! Sweetened Blessings - find her on Instagram. You won't be sorry!

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