Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wordy Wednesday

So, I read other blogs and they all have their daily assignments. This is good for a few reasons: 

1. It makes them blog
2. It gives them a topic, a goal, a point
3. If readers like the specific blog, they will come back for more

I decided that Wednesday will be word specific. I graduated with a BA in English with an emphasis in creative writing. Words are special and important to also shows why there are so many grammatical/spelling errors in my posts - I can write, never said I could spell and proofreading makes me crazy. I'll give the word and the Google definition to you every Wednesday. Try to use it in a sentence, learn how to spell it, or maybe start off a new short story with it...hmmm, I may take that idea for myself!

For this first Wednesday, I'm sharing one of my favorite words: soot.


A black powdery or flaky substance consisting largely of amorphous carbon, produced by the incomplete burning of organic matter.
Cover or clog (something) with soot.
Synonyms:grime - lampblack - smoke

Pastor Husband actually used it this morning because black soot was blown into our backyard as the paver-people did some parking lot work of some sort. Anyway, I just love the sound of the word more than what the word actually means. I also like the fact that it is so specific.  Soot is soot and it cannot be anything else. It is and will always be soot.

There you go...Wordy Wednesday. Hope you enjoy...what's a favorite word of  yours?

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