Friday, March 30, 2012

Tea Food

I belong to a MOPS group out here in Yorba Linda at Canyon Hills Friends Church and this morning we had our "Tea and Treasure" theme. We all had to bring some type of tea-food to eat. I know nothing about this type of food and what I looked up seemed entirely too complicated. I decided to make cake pops without the sticks. I figured the Queen of England probably eats nothing on a stick so this would make the cake pops more like a tea-type food. Whatever, I just wanted them to taste good and taste good they did! They were so moist and gooey and...YUM!

Here is a picture tour of the adventure:
The first part was so delicious already!

Waiting for things to cool is just dumb.

Have you ever seen anything so right before?

We may not be the prettiest, but we sure taste good!

nom nom nom

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