Saturday, May 24, 2014

Ten Months!

Baby Girl helped with this one!
Happy 10 Month Birthday, Baby Dos! You had a little trouble not chewing on the numbers so Baby Girl helped you out a bit. You didn't seem to mind.

Well, it's been a journey to get this far, but life has now settled down some...for now. We do run into new adventures weekly it seems. You do great though. The times where you are done with life are when you're hungry and tired, though you do get frustrated at times. While your sister would just move onto something else you tend to scream at whatever it is that isn't working for you. You babble all the day long, mostly saying, "blah, blah, blah". You are also so very much entertained by Baby Girl. Anything she does is magical to you. It's adorable to hear and watch the two of you finally playing together.

You crawl to travel places now and have made your way all over the house including outside. It's because of this crawling that every tiny object ends up in your mouth! You are able to pull yourself up, but cry because you don't know how to get back down. Eating is your favorite time and you eat just about everything we give you. Sometimes we eat too close to naptime and that isn't much fun for either of us. I think I can safely say that you are sleeping through the night...nightime feedings are done! That's a bonus for your Mommy!

Baby Dos you still love others so very much and you charm everyone with your blue eyes and smile. Happy birthday, Baby you!

No number here because we were at the hotel for this birthday.
Instagram pictures for while we were at Great Ga's house.

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