Monday, August 19, 2013

23 Months

When Baby Girl isn't screaming, crying, whining, or pouting she really is a delight. I know that sounds bad, but it really is, at least once a day, a huge meltdown. It doesn't matter where we are or who we're with either. Does every child go through this? This is definitely a trying time for us all. We've had made great use out of the time-out spot!

Baby Girl is growing and learning so much. It's incredible to watch her try something new out every day. She likes to count, "1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10", is her rendition. She recognizes many letters. Reading is still a passion and she'll read all morning long. Her newest thing is giving doggy kisses, which is when she licks the side of your face! We've got three new teeth in, two of them are molars. Her list of animal noises keeps growing and when we went to the zoo in Big Bear she was going crazy with growling, howling, and hooting like an owl. Yesterday marked a milestone - she stepped on a dead bee and got the stinger right in her foot! Pastor Husband came to the rescue and pulled it out with tweezers. Baby Girl has survived to one day tell the tale.

We love our fiercely independent Baby Girl. She is definitely a whole lot of me in personality (poor thing) and looks just like Pastor Husband. Happy Almost-2nd-Birthday, Miss!

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