Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Advent: Day 3

I forgot to post the verses for yesterday, so here they are: Genesis 22.15-18

For today, we have verses from Isaiah 7.14 and 9.2-7.

Christ's birth and kingdom are foretold by the Prophet Isaiah - the devotional part tells us that God never goes back on His word and it's through His word, the prophecy of Jesus, that He gave hope to the people then and continues to give us hope now.

I have so much hope for Baby Girl and for any other arrivals we may have in our family. My biggest hope is that she knows, early on, that there is a way to live life where there is joy, hope, and love. I hope that she doesn't just know about it, but that she is living life in that way. I hope she lives life in such a different way than how I lived my life both as a child and as an adult. I want her to be aware of that other way of life so that she's not locked in the whole "Christian bubble" thing, but I don't want her to have that experience first-hand. As I continue to grow, learn, and teach my faith, I hope she will grasp onto it as well.

Gma and Baby Girl

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